Publications       Rudy Negenborn
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Title:Distributed sensor fault accommodation for marine fuel engines
Authors:N. Kougiatsos, --RR Negenborn not included in final submission--, V. Reppa

Abstract:This paper proposes a sensor fault accommodation methodology for use in marine fuel engines. The proposed methodology follows a distributed approach, where the marine fuel engine is decomposed in several subsystems. Then, for each subsystem we design a monitoring agent that can actively compensate for the effects of sensor faults occurring in the specific subsystem. This is realized using virtual sensors that can estimate the sensor fault and subtract it from the faulty measurements. Due to the Differential-Algebraic dynamics of marine fuel engines, the estimation of sensor faults is designed in three ways; using adaptive observers, Set Inversion via Interval Analysis (SIVIA) and static models. Finally, simulation results are used to illustrate the application of the method and its efficiency.

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