Related projects | | | | |
2023 - ongoing | | Path2Zero: PAving THe way towards Zero-Emission and RObust inland shipping | | NWO National Science Agenda
2023 - ongoing | | SEAMLESS: Safe, Efficient and Autonomous:
Multimodal Library of European Shortsea
and inland Solutions | | HORIZON EUROPE CL5-2022-D5-01-15
2022 - ongoing | | DT4GS: Open Collaboration & Digital Twin Infrastructure
for Green Smart Shipping | | HORIZON EUROPE CL5-2021-D5-01-13
2021 - ongoing | | SH2IPDRIVE | | Subsidieregeling R&D Mobiliteitssectoren (RDM)
2021 - ongoing | | MENENS | | Subsidieregeling R&D Mobiliteitssectoren (RDM)
2021 - ongoing | | AutoBarge: Autonomous Barges for Smart Inland Shipping | | H2020 European Training and Research Network
2021 - ongoing | | FAST: Fieldlab Autonomous Sailing Technology | | REACT-EU Op-Zuid Grant
2021 | | NAVIS: Nederlandse Autonome Veerponten -- Innovatie Stappenplan | | Maritime Innovation Impulse Project (MIIP) Grant
2020 - ongoing | | NOVIMOVE: Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectively | | H2020-MG-2-6-2019 - "Moving freight by Water: Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovative Vessels" Grant
2020 - ongoing | | TRiLOGy: Sustainable Transportation and Logistics over Water: Electrification, Automation and Optimization | | NWO Top Sector Water & Maritime: the Blue Route Grant
2020 - ongoing | | READINESS: Robust, effective and adaptable ship designs for uncertain transition paths | | NWO Top Sector Water & Maritime: the Blue Route Grant
2020 - ongoing | | AVATAR: Sustainable urban freight transport with autonomous zero-emission vessels | | INTERREG North Sea Region Grant
2020 | | NoMES: Novel and Minimized Emissons Shipping | | Maritime Innovation Impulse Project (MIIP) Grant
2019 - ongoing | | Versnellingsfabriek Introductie Zelfvarende Systemen | | Provincie Zuid-Holland Grant
2019 - ongoing | | ISHY: Implementation of Ship Hybridisation | | Interreg 2 Seas Grant
2018 - 2020 | | Impulse Autonomous Shipping for Amsterdam | | Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions Grant
2017 - 2020 | | Space@Sea: Transport & Logistics | | H2020-EU.3.2.5 - "Cross-cutting marine and maritime research" Grant
2017 | | TET-SP: Autonomous shipping in the Port of Rotterdam | | SmartPort 2017 Grant
2017 - 2022 | | COMET-PS: Complexity Methods for Predictive Synchromodality | | NWO Social & Physical Sciences Grant 2016
2017 - 2019 | | Formations of Waterborne Structures | | TU Delft / 3mE Cohesion Grant 2017
2016 - 2017 | | AIDA: Automatic Identification of Research Trends | | TU Delft Research Innovation Grant 2015
2016 - 2022 | | i-CAVE: Dynamic fleet management of autonomous vehicles for logistical transport services | | STW Perspectief voor de Topsectoren 2015 Program
2015 - 2022 | | GasDrive - Minimizing emissions and energy losses at sea with LNG combined prime
movers, underwater exhausts and nano hull materials | | STW Maritime 2015/Topsector Water Program
Current PhD candidates | | | | |
2024/05 - ongoing | | Hydrogen-based vessels data analysis and analytics for control and condition monitoring | | | Ege Ceyhun with dr. Andrea Coraddu | |
2023/10 - ongoing | | Decision support systems for sustainable and reconfigurable manufacturing systems | | | Rafael Leite Patrao with dr. Alessia Napoleone | |
2023/09 - ongoing | | Maintenance-aware multi-level control for ammonia-powered ships | | | Andrea Caspani with dr. Vasso Reppa | |
2023/02 - ongoing | | Model Predictive Control of Marine Solid Oxide Fuel Cells | | | Matthis de Lange with dr. Lindert van Biert | |
2023/02 - ongoing | | Optimal Navigation and Guidance of Inland Waterway Vessels | | | Simeon Slagter with dr. Yusong Pang | |
2022/11 - ongoing | | Operations & Maintenance Optimization of Offshore Wind Farms | | | Marco Borsotti with dr. Xiaoli Jiang | |
2022/09 - ongoing | | Cooperative Control for Waterborne Transport Systems | | | Xin Xiong with dr. Yusong Pang | |
2022/05 - ongoing | | Fault Diagnosis for Safe Control and Coordination of Inland Waterway Systems | | | Abhishek Dhyani with dr. Vasso Reppa | |
2022/10 - ongoing | | Towards Net-Zero Emission Port Operations | | | Xinyu Tang with dr. Frederik Schulte | |
2022/04 - ongoing | | Collaborative Collision Avoidance for Ships in Inland Waterways | | | Hoang Anh Tran with prof. Tor Arne Johansen NTNU, Norway | |
2021/09 - ongoing | | Knowledge-based Collision Avoidance with Human-Computer Cooperation | | | Rongxin Song with prof. Pieter van Gelder dr. Eleonora Papadimitriou | |
2020/10 - ongoing | | Dynamic and Stochastic Fleet Management Models for Transportation and Logistics | | | Cigdem Karademir with dr. Bilge Atasoy | |
2020/10 - ongoing | | Robust and Adaptable Control Systems for Effective Ship Automation | | | Nikos Kougiatsos with dr. Vasso Reppa | |
2020/12 - ongoing | | Collaboration for a Resilient and Decarbonized Maritime Industry 4.0 | | | Xiaohuan Lyu with dr. Frederik Schulte | |
2020/12 - ongoing | | Safe Cooperation of Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic | | | Tasos Tsolakis with dr. Vasso Reppa, dr. Laura Ferranti | |
2020/10 - ongoing | | Logistics Models for Improving the Efficiency of Ports and Inland Waterways | | | Adrien Nicolet with dr. Bilge Atasoy | |