Research themes       Rudy Negenborn
Full Professor, Head of Section
Team & Themes

Research theme: 4S -- Intelligent multi-agent control for flexible coordination in smart shipping and logistics


Global transport flows are becoming more large-scale and complex. The volume of materials and goods being transported on a daily basis over roads, waterways, tracks and through the air keeps increasing. As this volume increases, different parts of the global transport infrastructure become more dynamically coupled. Events such as unexpected weather conditions, strikes, traffic congestion, etc. therefore give rise to disturbances that affect larger parts of the total transport infrastructure. Therefore, these systems reach the limits of their capacity more frequently, causing more delays, higher costs, and extra emissions. At the same time, however, society makes more stringent demands on the system's performance: delays must be shorter, costs must be lower, and emissions must be reduced.

Today, control of the global transport network is done in a very decentralized way, in which actions that influence transport flows are determined at local transport hubs using information from only a relatively small part of the complete system. To meet society's requirements, a new control methodology has to be developed that maximizes the use of the flexibility in the entire transport system by using much more overall information. We are working on developing the 4S Framework, a distributed and scalable control methodology for efficiently improving the real-time operation of large-scale transport systems.

Related projects
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2021 - ongoingFAST: Fieldlab Autonomous Sailing TechnologyREACT-EU Op-Zuid Grant
2021NAVIS: Nederlandse Autonome Veerponten -- Innovatie StappenplanMaritime Innovation Impulse Project (MIIP) Grant
2020 - ongoingNOVIMOVE: Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectivelyH2020-MG-2-6-2019 - "Moving freight by Water: Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovative Vessels" Grant
2020 - ongoingTRiLOGy: Sustainable Transportation and Logistics over Water: Electrification, Automation and OptimizationNWO Top Sector Water & Maritime: the Blue Route Grant
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2020 - ongoingAVATAR: Sustainable urban freight transport with autonomous zero-emission vesselsINTERREG North Sea Region Grant
2020NoMES: Novel and Minimized Emissons ShippingMaritime Innovation Impulse Project (MIIP) Grant
2019 - ongoingVersnellingsfabriek Introductie Zelfvarende SystemenProvincie Zuid-Holland Grant
2019 - ongoingISHY: Implementation of Ship HybridisationInterreg 2 Seas Grant
2018 - 2020Impulse Autonomous Shipping for AmsterdamAmsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions Grant
2017 - 2020Space@Sea: Transport & LogisticsH2020-EU.3.2.5 - "Cross-cutting marine and maritime research" Grant
2017TET-SP: Autonomous shipping in the Port of RotterdamSmartPort 2017 Grant
2017 - 2022COMET-PS: Complexity Methods for Predictive SynchromodalityNWO Social & Physical Sciences Grant 2016

2017 - 2019Formations of Waterborne StructuresTU Delft / 3mE Cohesion Grant 2017
2016 - 2017AIDA: Automatic Identification of Research TrendsTU Delft Research Innovation Grant 2015
2016 - 2022i-CAVE: Dynamic fleet management of autonomous vehicles for logistical transport servicesSTW Perspectief voor de Topsectoren 2015 Program

2015 - 2022GasDrive - Minimizing emissions and energy losses at sea with LNG combined prime movers, underwater exhausts and nano hull materialsSTW Maritime 2015/Topsector Water Program

Current PhD candidates
2024/05 - ongoing   Hydrogen-based vessels data analysis and analytics for control and condition monitoring   
 Ege Ceyhun
with dr. Andrea Coraddu
2023/10 - ongoing   Decision support systems for sustainable and reconfigurable manufacturing systems   
 Rafael Leite Patrao
with dr. Alessia Napoleone
2023/09 - ongoing   Maintenance-aware multi-level control for ammonia-powered ships   
 Andrea Caspani
with dr. Vasso Reppa
2023/02 - ongoing   Model Predictive Control of Marine Solid Oxide Fuel Cells   
 Matthis de Lange
with dr. Lindert van Biert
2023/02 - ongoing   Optimal Navigation and Guidance of Inland Waterway Vessels   
 Simeon Slagter
with dr. Yusong Pang
2022/11 - ongoing   Operations & Maintenance Optimization of Offshore Wind Farms   
 Marco Borsotti
with dr. Xiaoli Jiang
2022/09 - ongoing   Cooperative Control for Waterborne Transport Systems   
 Xin Xiong
with dr. Yusong Pang
2022/05 - ongoing   Fault Diagnosis for Safe Control and Coordination of Inland Waterway Systems   
 Abhishek Dhyani
with dr. Vasso Reppa
2022/10 - ongoing   Towards Net-Zero Emission Port Operations   
 Xinyu Tang
with dr. Frederik Schulte
2022/04 - ongoing   Collaborative Collision Avoidance for Ships in Inland Waterways   
 Hoang Anh Tran
with prof. Tor Arne Johansen
NTNU, Norway
2021/09 - ongoing   Knowledge-based Collision Avoidance with Human-Computer Cooperation   
 Rongxin Song
with prof. Pieter van Gelder
dr. Eleonora Papadimitriou
2020/10 - ongoing   Dynamic and Stochastic Fleet Management Models for Transportation and Logistics   
 Cigdem Karademir
with dr. Bilge Atasoy
2020/10 - ongoing   Robust and Adaptable Control Systems for Effective Ship Automation   
 Nikos Kougiatsos
with dr. Vasso Reppa
2020/12 - ongoing   Collaboration for a Resilient and Decarbonized Maritime Industry 4.0   
 Xiaohuan Lyu
with dr. Frederik Schulte
2020/12 - ongoing   Safe Cooperation of Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic   
 Tasos Tsolakis
with dr. Vasso Reppa,
dr. Laura Ferranti
2020/10 - ongoing   Logistics Models for Improving the Efficiency of Ports and Inland Waterways   
 Adrien Nicolet
with dr. Bilge Atasoy

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