| Main research interests: Coordination within and among transport hubs
4S Framework: Real-time coordination of
Smart Equipment in Smart Hubs for Smart Ports in Smart Networks
Anticipating the Massive introduction of
Sensing, Computation, and Communication Technologies

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Spotlight publication
Prospective students Multi-Machine Engineering (MME):
Interested in becoming a multi-machine Master of Science at TU Delft?
This video tells you all about our 2-year MSc program.
Inauguration Speech on communication, logistics, autonomous ships, and multi-machine engineering
"What if ships could talk?", or: Coordination for Real-Time Logistics
[Watch the public presentation online]
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| Infographics

How will autonomous ships work?
| Books
Research in Sketches

| Active topic cloud (past 3 years)
| | Keywords
intermodal transport,
container transport
transport over water,
control of ships
transportation networks, inter-terminal transport
power networks,
gas networks
systems, model
control, hybrid
reinforcement learning, Kalman filters, learning robots
The Brain of TU Delft

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