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Posted on Sun Jan 10, 2010 20:05:08  
I have tidied up Dmitry's translation slightly:

Country place of mine, whether Sabine or Tiburtine
(for they claim you to be Tiburtine, those who do not feel like
offending Catullus: yet those who like to offend him,
wager anything that you are Sabine),
but whether Sabine or more truly Tiburtine,
I was glad to be at your suburban hearth.
I coughed an awful cough from my chest
which my belly had given me, not undeservingly,
while I was after sumptuous dinners.
For as I wanted to be Sestius's dinner companion
I read a speech full of poison and plague
against the candidate Antius,
At this point a chilling cold and frequent cough shook me
continually until I fled into your bosom
and I restored myself by rest and nettle.
Wherefore, having been restored, I offer you most grateful thanks
because my sin you did not punish.
And now I am quite happy, if I touch the horrible works
of Sestius, that the cold bring a chill and a cough
not to me but to Sestius himself;
he only invites me when I have read a bad book.
Rudy Negenborn
Posted at Sun Feb 07, 2010 20:03:21  Quote
Thanks -- I'll replace the old version with the new one.
The old version was:

O my country estate, whether Sabine or Tiburtine
(for they say that you are Tiburtine, those to whom it is not
pleasing to offend Catullus: yet those who like to offend him,
wager anything that you are Sabine),
but whether Sabine or more truly Tiburtine,
I was gladly in your country house close to the city
I drove out a bad cough from my chest
which my belly had given me not undeservingly
while I was seeking a sumptuous feast.
For while I wanted to be Sestius's dinner companion
I read a speech full of poison and plague
against the candidate Antius,
At this point a chilling cold and frequent cough shook me
continually until I fled into your lap
and I restored myself by rest and Nettle.
Wherefore, having been restored, I give you the greatest thanks
because my sin, you did not punish.
And I no longer pray, if I shall receive the horrible works
of Sestius, but that the cold bring a head cold and cough
not to me but to Sestius himself,
which then calls me, when I have read a bad book.

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Posted at Sat Feb 03, 2018 19:21:12  Quote
Querida quinta minha, quer fiques tu em Tíbur,
Ou na Sabínia( pois os que Catulo
Amam dizem que tu és tiburtina,
Mas para os que o odeiam és Sabina
E nisso apostam o que quiser que seja)
Mas sejas tu sabina ou com maior verdade tiburtina
O fato é que regozijei-me em estar aí em tua vila perto da cidade,
E, estando aí, pude arrancar de mim a tosse molesta que meu estômago me deu não sem culpa minha, pois enquanto fazia-me conviva de Sexto e apetecia ceias lautas, li um discurso contra Atium, seu inimigo, que escrevera Sexto cheio de maledicência e difamações; Nesse instante a doença fria e as tosses contínuas me alquebraram até que fugi para o teu seio e me curei com repouso e urtiga. Ora, estando eu já recuperado, te agradeço muito pois que não vingaste o meu erro. Agora já não rogo que a tosse e a dor me acometam quando de Sexto recebo novos discursos, mas que agravem a este mesmo Sexto que só me chama quando escreve seus discursos maléficos.


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